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Apply to Become a Vetrepreneur
What We Do With Your Application
Application Instructions and Requirements
Based on available resources at any given time, Warrior Rising strives to accept and assist veterans at any point in the process of starting their own business, whether it is only a concept or if they have actual operations. Please take note: If you are considering forming a non-profit, be aware that while we may offer assistance in the nature of training and mentoring, there may be limitations placed on us providing financial assistance in order to avoid conflicts or other concerns our donors could have with their donations being directed towards another non-profit. While we encourage questions through our coaching and mentoring process (virtual live group calls), we ask also that you have patience and go through each of our programs in their entirety (Warrior Academy, Warrior University–our accelerator, or SDVET, as applicable) to ensure that you gather all the information that is being provided.
Please complete all information in the application by clicking the GET STARTED button below, and ensure that all information is accurate. If you omit information, in particular, telephone number, or information such as the email address is incorrect, it will only delay or prevent us from responding to inquiries from you. If you need assistance, please email us directly at Please do not reply to automated messages (e.g., notification of events, etc.) as they are not necessarily monitored.
Please note that our process is to help you think through issues and opportunities and to guide you in completing the work yourself. In that way, you will learn valuable skills that will help you long beyond your experience with Warrior Rising.
Our staff and volunteers will maintain as confidential all business information you provide and we do not disseminate to anyone that is not subject to confidentiality obligations (in other words, those outside of our organization) without your permission. Please note that, because of the number of applications and applicants, we do not execute confidentiality agreements with applicants.
We encourage you to make use of tools we suggest, both for creating and maintaining your business plans (it is an ongoing process that lasts the entire time you own that business!!), and other things that will help you in your journey. When evaluating if your plan is sufficient, don’t just copy something you found online. Always focus on:
- Substance of the plan,
- Clarity,
- Thoroughness of plan/strategy as it relates to your concepts and key factors,
so please do not just cut and paste information into a template online for the sake of “having” a business plan since that will not help advance the process, and in fact, will probably stall it a great deal.
Note that, while we do provide instances of start up or launch grants, we seek to ensure that, first, your business model or plan is robust, and like any other funding source, that it is thorough and you have thought through all the key aspects. Our process will assist you with that so please trust the process. Veteran businesses progressing through the program, doing the work, improving their model receive invitations to pitch their business for funding opportunities. We also do not guarantee funding under all circumstances and we are not a “grant by application” organization. Also, please note, we are not an emergency financial assistance organization.
Again, if, at any time, you have questions, please email us at Please note, if you email us from a mobile device and do not include your email address in the body of the message, your email address may not display and we may not have any way to respond.
Thank you for contacting Warrior Rising to assist you!