$133K Half Ironman Challenge
Navy beat Army, both in the race (by default) and in donations.
Jon finished the race in 6:54. Congratulations Jon Macaskill!
Thank you all for your support!

It’s Army vs Navy
West Point vs Annapolis
Andy vs Jon
Who will finish first in the Half Ironman 1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike, and 13.1 mile run in Waco, TX this October 16?
A year of trash talking rights are on the line as Andy and Jon compete to raise $133,000 to help the veterans at Warrior Rising!
Show your support for either Andy and Jon!
Donations of $100 or more will receive their respective TEAM ANDY or TEAM JON t-shirt for free!
Team Andy Donations
$ 17062
Team Jon Donations
$ 26062
Tale of the Tape

Current Training Stats
64.24 Miles
374.64 Miles
12.0375 Miles

Team Andy Raised to Date

Current Training Stats
235.8 Miles
903.17 Miles
23.984 Miles

Team Jon Raised to Date
The History of the Army vs Navy game
The Army vs Navy Game is one the oldest running sporting traditions in the United States. It is an American college football rivalry game which pits the Army Black Knights of the United States Military Academy (USMA) at West Point, New York, against the Navy Midshipmen of the United States Naval Academy (USNA) at Annapolis, Maryland. The Black Knights, or Cadets, and Midshipmen each represent their respective service’s oldest officer commissioning sources. In keeping with this, the game has come to be seen as the very embodiment of the spirit of the inter-service rivalry of the United States Armed Forces. Frequently attended by sitting presidents, the game has been televised nationally each year since 1945. The game is commonly referred to as “America’s Game.”

History of Warrior Rising
Founded in 2015, Warrior Rising is a non-profit started by Veterans, for Veterans. The Warrior Rising team has a singular goal: transform Veterans into Vetrepreneurs. We have achieved this through carefully selecting strategic partners in business, and leveraging a vast network of young professionals and successful entrepreneurs from a wide variety of backgrounds. The organization hosts a robust team of professionals, business owners, and experts in their fields.
Since 2015 Warrior Rising has grown from a regional to a national organization with a robust outreach. Warrior Rising has developed sophisticated programs that leverage remote learning, built a network of mentors and coaches, and has awarded grants that will result in creating one hundred million dollar veteran-owned businesses by 2024. The Warrior Rising team listens to veterans and provides them exactly what they need. As opposed to some non-profits, Warrior Rising doesn’t give a veteran one good day… we give veterans the opportunity to earn their success and have one good life!
Empowering Veterans
We believe in empowering veterans to solve their own problems. While you were busy creating your empire back home, our veterans were serving our country overseas. They were defending our freedom and sacrificed so much so we can live the life that we dreamed of. Now, it's our time to serve them.
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